Rock Maker Setup Overview

Rock Maker allows for all kinds of configuration to better suit your needs for the program and your parameters around your experiments.

Several configuration menus are available from the Setup node on the Explorer: Containers, Ingredients, Users, General, and Imager Quota.

Explorer Setup Node



Container Setup

Container setup is where you set up your plates. From container setup, you can add, edit, and delete plates by right-clicking your mouse anywhere in the container setup area. For more information on what you can do from this tab, see Container Setup.


Ingredient Setup

Double-clicking the Ingredients node from the Setup node opens a table of ingredients that are pre-defined in the Rock Maker software. You can search the ingredient list, rearrange how the list displays by column header, or right-click anywhere on the Ingredients list to add a new ingredient, delete an ingredient, import or export ingredients and so on.

For more information on setting up ingredients, see the Ingredient Setup section.


Users Setup

The Users node in the Setup tab allows you to manage users from a global perspective. You can add or delete users and groups, and add members to different groups. You can also change and reset user passwords.

For more information on setting up users, see User Setup.


General Setup

The General setup tab is where you can configure colors, score names, and hot keys for well scores; change well canvas colors; change experiment setup and incubation temperature readings; select your dispensing robot; and add image stores.

For more information, see General Setup.


Imager Quota Tab

The Imager Quota tab is where administrators can manage the number of plates used by each imager.

For more information, see Imager Quota.


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